Ch 15 – Holy Places of Bharat – Guru Charitra Discourse Part 09

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – 15 Holy Places of Bharat by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 15: Holy Places of Bharat In this chapter Guru nath’s instruction to his disciples regarding the merits of doing pilgrimages and the places which they should unfailingly visit is described. After sending most of … Read more

Ch 13 to 14 – Narasimha Saraswati’s Healing Touch – Guru Charitra Discourse Part 08

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – 13 Narasimha Saraswati’s Healing Touch & 14 Sri Narasimha Saraswati Rescues Sayamdeo by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 13: Narasimha Saraswati’s Healing Touch This chapter describes the visit of Guru Nath along with his disciples to his parents at Karanjapuri. From there he again sets … Read more

Ch 11 to 12 – Birth of Sri Narasimha Saraswati – Guru Charitra Discourse Part 07

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – 11 Birth of Sri Narasimha Saraswati & 12 Narahari Taking to Sanyasa by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 11: Birth of Sri Narasimha Saraswati This chapter describes the advent of Sri Narasimha Saraswati. He was born as a son of Amba in Karanjapuri as per … Read more

S1: EP 06 – Ch 08 to 10 – Sani Pradosha Vrata Mahatmya

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – 08 Sani Pradosha Vrata Mahatmya, 09 Sripada Sri Vallabha Blesses the Washer – man and 10 Sripada Sri Vallabha’s Blessings after His Mahaprasthan by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 08: Sani Pradosha Vrata Mahatmya In this chapter, Sripada Sri Vallabha teaches about the Sani Pradosha … Read more

S1: EP 05 – Ch 07 – Gokarna Sthala Mahatmaya

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled –  Ch 07 Gokarna Sthala Mahatmaya by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 07: Gokarna Sthala Mahatmaya This chapter describes the Gokarna Kshetra Mahatmaya. Gokarna had so much sanctity that Sripada Sri Vallabha chose to visit and spend some years there. A visit to this holy place … Read more

S1: EP 04 – Ch 05 to 06 – Incarnation of Sripada Sri Vallabha and Gokarna Mahabaleswar

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled –  Ch 05Incarnation of Sripada Sri Vallabha and Ch 06 Gokarna Mahabaleswar  by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 05: Incarnation of Sripada Sri Vallabha This chapter describes the reincarnation of Sri Dattatreya in the Kali Yuga as Sripada Sri Vallabha, in Peethapuram, as a son to … Read more

S1: EP 03 – Ch 03 & 04 – Reasons behind Sri Hari’s Incarnations & Sri Dattavatar

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – Ch 03 Reasons behind Sri Hari’s Incarnations and Ch 04 Sri Dattavatar by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 03: Reasons behind Sri Hari’s IncarnationsThis chapter describes how Lord Sri Hari, in order to save his devotee King Ambareesha from the wrath of Sage Durvasa, draws … Read more

S1: EP02 – Ch 02 – Power and Glory of Guru Bhakti

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – 02 Power and Glory of Guru Bhakti by Master KrsnaKnows. Chapter 02: Power and Glory of Guru Bhakti Namdharak meets Siddha Yogi, the great and close disciple of Guru Nath. Siddha Yogi leads Namdharak to the Bhima Amaraja Sangam, and seated under the … Read more

S1: EP01 – Ch 01 – Vision of Sri Guru Nath

This Satsang covers the discourses on the Guru Charitra Chapters titled – 01 Vision of Sri Guru Nath by Master KrsnaKnows. Ch 01: Vision of Sri Guru Nath:Saraswati Gangadhara begins with invocation prayers for divine grace to endow on his merit and strength to be able to successfully compile the sacred Guru Charitra, the glorious … Read more